• Trading Resources
Trading Resources
Trade on one of Canada’s most dynamic marketplaces.The CSE delivers products and services designed to lower trading costs, increase efficiency, reduce complexity, and facilitate market making.
Image of an Asian businessman checking stock market chart on digital tablet.

Order Types

Order Types & Functionality

Understanding the distinction between CSE and CSE2

Order Types
The Open & Continuous Trading Types
The Close
Market Making

Trade Cancellation and Correction Policy

Trade cancellation and trade amendments policies for the CSE

Self-Trade Prevention

Cancel Oldest

This feature will prevent an incoming order from executing against a passive order from the same broker by cancelling the booked order.

Cancel Newest

This feature will prevent two orders from the same firm to trade against each other by means of an order cancel.


This feature will prevent two orders from the same firm to trade against each other by means of an order reprice.

Suppress Trade from Tape

Clients will have the option to receive fills for both orders without having a trade be reported to the public feed.

Trading Rules

Trading Rules

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Trading & Access Fees

Market Access Fees

Trading Fees

CSE Listed Securities (including warrants and rights)

Effective date: Aug 01, 2023

Trading Hours

We are here for you. On your time.


Gateway Test Environment


Hours of Operation

Uniform Test Symbols


CSE Buy-In Service

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Stay Informed

All Notices

Get the latest regulatory announcements from the CSE concerning its Listings Policies, Trading Rules and functionality and other important industry developments.

All Bulletins

Get the latest information about new CSE listings, the appointment of Market Makers, market events, and other news.

All Company Filings

Stay informed with CSE listed company filings, providing transparency and accountability to shareholders and the public.